Monday, November 11, 2019
Me, me me
The child forever reaches and grabs a piece of it before it is destroyed. He runs home and finally after a long day takes a look at what he grabbed. In his hand he holds the Mona Alias's smile. The Lottery – Short Story A small town is gathering to do their lottery Just like they always do. The children are playing and gathering rocks Just like normal and all the families are talking Just Like It Is a normal day In the town. All the pieces of paper for the lottery are In a battered black box and then men come forward and pick a paper without looking at It.As the men go forward, there Is talk about getting rid of the lottery. Some of the other towns have done it already but the old man of the town thinks it is wrong to get rid of it. He has been participating in it for 77 years. Finally, the men all open their pieces of paper only to find one of them has the black dot. Now some of the people are upset while the entire family of the man who has the black dot goes to the front of the town. They all pick pieces of paper from the black box now.The father and the children all pick blank pieces while the mother (Testis) picks the one with the black dot. The town now wastes no time in putting her aside and taking the stones, the hillier have gathered they stone Testis to death. The Interview – Short Story A young man who still lives with his family Is getting ready to go to a Job Interview. His wife who he finds ugly wants him to get the job so they can finally move out of his parents' house. He does not want to move but knows she does. He is happy at home because he has always been given special treatment from his fail.They do not want him to do any hard work and if he does they lecture whoever made him do it. He is nervous about the job and is scared to get it because he is confident that he will not. He never understands the questions in the Job interview and is very intimidated by the bosses. He goes to the job interview but runs away before being int erviewed. He explains how some people are really nice to him like one man who gave him a mango, took him Into the back alley, touched him all over and told him how beautiful he was which was a nice thing to do.Other people get mad at him for not understanding what they are telling him which he writes off, as they must be Jealous of him or something. He heads home happy that he Is not a man who has to sweat for a living. He can go home to a family that takes care of him and loves him. A white man lives among the Indians outside of his homeland. He constantly gets made fun of and hates his Job. One day there is a sudden commotion that an elephant has escaped. He finds out a man has been killed and fiends the elephant outside of the town.The elephant seems calm and he decides not to kill it. He then realizes he has to for there are two thousand Indians watching him. If he do not kill it then he knows he will be made fun of again. He decides to shoot it multiple times until it falls dow n to the ground. He watches the elephant for awhile hoping it will die but then finally trudges off with it still in agony. The element dies thirty minutes later. Some people agree with what he did while others think it was wrong. He hopes people do not realize the whole reason he killed it was so he did not look like a fool.Salvation – Essay A little boy has been told his entire life that when he accepts Jesus he will see a bright light and actually see Jesus. His church is doing a revival and they are now focusing on all the children in the church. They are all brought forward and there is praying, singing and preaching and hollering going on. The children slowly all choose to accept Jesus except him and another robot. The one boy is doing it for no reason while the main character is waiting and waiting until he sees Jesus Just like his aunt told him he would.It never happens and the child finally decides to go forward after a long time Just to get it over with. He is tried of creating such a commotion and wants it to be over. He is crying at the end because he knows he lied to the entire church and now believes that Jesus in not real. The Crack-up – Essay The mental breakdown the author has had in his life. He has tried and tried his entire life to succeed yet still fails at every corner. He then considers his need to succeed and where that need comes from.What makes him want success over failure? His concept of success has come from the world which he knows is corrupt in itself. So technically speaking if the world is corrupt then so is its stance on success. He came to the realization that the goals he has set for himself are really impossible for him to achieve. National Trust – Poem Talks about the relationship between language, place and identity. We see the barriers that have been set in place by the world and how we are victims to a past we cannot forget.Harrison is showing us that because we saw some people as dumb ND below us w e felt as if we could control them. This in fact is wrong and not necessary at all. The Tables Turned – Poem Strictly a poem to criticize how the mind focuses on morals and logical thought. Instead, we should focus on the beauty of life for focusing on the morals and life's ultimate goal is depressing. Tell All the Truth – Poem tell it to twist in our favor, we can voice it in a happier and thoughtful manner or we can be blunt and often hurt the people with our words even though it is the truth.No Coward Soul Is Mine – Poem Explains the struggle with confidence in her life. The narrator shows us her life and how she has succeeded in life only through the confidence she finds in God. Without that she would not be doing what she is doing. Everyone needs to pull his or her confidence from something other than themselves. For the body fails you but God does not. The Enemy – Poem You see someone who holds an ultimate truth dear t them. You believe it is wrong and know that you can never actually be friends with that person.You know they are wrong and then realize you are in the exact same predicament as them. You both hold true to what you believe without giving others a chance to influence your Houghton. The Smile Ray Bradbury Short Story 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self You and â€Å"USA, M †The Lottery Shirley Jackson Short Story 830-2: Truth Science Fiction & Justice Inside Stories for Senior Students â€Å"USA, F †The Interview Ruth Prater Cabala Short Story 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals â€Å"Other Voices, Other Vistas; Responding to Literature: World†â€Å"Germany/Linda, M†National Trust T.Harrison Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Border Lines â€Å"England, M †The Tables Turned William Wordsmith Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Literature and Language: English and World â€Å"England, M †Tell All the Truth Emily Dickinson Poem 830-2: Truth & Justice Literature in English â€Å"USA, F †No Coward Soul Is Mine Emily Bronco Poem 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals Broadside Anthology of Poetry â€Å"England, F †The Enemy P. Nursed Poem 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self Literature and Language: English and World â€Å"Chile, M †The Crack-up F.Scott Fitzgerald Essay 830-1: Identity & Sense of Self Art of the Personal Essay â€Å"USA, M †Shooting an Elephant George Orwell Essay 830-1: Human Qualities & Ideals Broadside Reader â€Å"England, M †Salvation Longboats Hughes Essay 830-1 : Human Qualities & Ideals 75 Readings Plus LISA, M †Theme is something any author can relate too. Everything that is written has a theme of some sort, no matter who wrote it or where it came from. A poem could have been written in Canada or an essay in England yet still have the same theme.A story could still have the same moral guideline of a poem but be written by different same time on opposite sides of the world without the authors ever hearing about ea ch other's work while still being very similar. The purpose of this paper is take a look at writings from across the globe with multiple themes and to see how much these relate to each other. The theme Truth & Justice make us look deep into ourselves to see what we truly believe in. Do we believe in a moral code that governs us all or are we subject to change our morals Just like the wind changes direction?The short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson from the United States of America, shows us an unjust system of the past that has stuck around years longer than it ever should have. We watch as people mention how it is wrong to stone someone yet do not take steps in stopping what is happening. Showing us how peer pressure can have such a huge impact on what we decide is truth and Justice. If everyone calls for a decision we decide that is the new truth and the new Justice. In the poem, National Trust by T. Harrison from England, we are shown a new form of truth, one that seems to be forgotten.We need to realize truth and Justice are things in our past and future, not Just in the present. We cannot forget where we have come from otherwise we will not be able to get where we are going. Now in the same theme but a different concept we see William Wordsmith author of the poem The Tables Turned describe a situation where it is better to be out in life then to stay in and read explain that to sit back and Just listen n itself is wrong. It is a corrupt use of your time to not do anything while the world around you is changing.In the poem Tell All the Truth by Emily Dickinson we are able to see another corrupt thought on truth. We can always spin the truth to benefit ourselves but does it stay the truth or has it now become something different? We can spin it to benefit others in kindness or tell it bluntly, which hurts people. In The Interview by Ruth Para we witness a new theme of Human Qualities and Ideals. Confidence is something that falls short in this generat ion and in this story. A man who cannot choose for himself to live on his own and succeed in life is viewed as a failure.But if we see these people as failures and remind them of that will they ever change? Unlike the Interview in the poem No Coward Soul Is Mine by Emily Bronze from England, projects self-confidence in how she lives her life. Even though she had a rough time becoming an adult, she still refused to give up. She shows us her struggle and explains how she found God in all of this who is now her confidence. She has so much confidence there is now no room in her for fear of death. Now in the essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†by George Orwell we see a shift in thought.We see that if you do not have the confidence you need to stand alone then you make mistakes. Peer pressure cannot move mountains but it can move mountains of people. If you are not confident in who you are then your choices are influenced more by those around you then your own thought process. We mak e choices to fit in with culture, when we do this; we normally lose satisfaction with ourselves. We experience the exact same situation in the essay Salvation by Longboats Hughes. When pressured by people to make a decision you can either stand firm in hat you know or choose to change what you know.Either way a decision is always made. When forced into a decision though you feel like you betrayed yourself Just like the child feels he betrayed everyone around him by â€Å"saying yes to Jesus†. The ability to stand out even when it is tough to do so. We see that it can be worth going through the hardship of being different. When you are faced with a hard decision to make the right decision is not always, what everyone else is choosing. We are given a situation in this poem where a boy needs to choose against what all of the adults are choosing.He needs to believe in himself and what he finds beauty in the make the decision that he does. In the poem The Enemy by Pablo Neared, we see the same theme but with a new view of life come from it. We now see the dangers of having an ultimate truth that we hold too without thoughts as to how it could be wrong. We are shown that when you put your identity in a truth like this you will make enemies that believe in different options. The choice then become are you going to hold to your truth and keep an enemy or will you reevaluate what you believe to be sure that you are in fact right about this topic.Just like an atheist and a Christian have a hard time connecting on a personal level so do others who have ultimate truths. Now in an essay written by F. Scott Fitzgerald called â€Å"The Crack Up†we are privileged to witness once again a new version of the same theme. We see that identity is also shaped by our accomplishments and our failures. A seriously depressing essay but yet one of truth without fear of being who you are. This ultimately shows us we are to be confident in who we are and even though we don't always enjoy it we are still going to be okay in the end.
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