Monday, December 30, 2019
Definition for the Term Superclass
Definition: A superclass is a class that has been extended by another class. It allows the extending class to inherit its state and behaviors. Also Known As: base class, parent class Examples: Imagine you define a Person class: public class Person { } A new class can be created by extending this class: public class Employee extends Person { } The Person class is said to be the superclass of the Employee class.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
United States Flag Essay - 1795 Words
The very first flag for the United States to have was the Grand Union Flag, in the years 1775-1777. The design of this flag was thirteen red and white stripes, with the red cross of St. Georgia, England along with the white cross of St. Andrew, Scotland in a blue field. The final split between the between the colonies and Great Britain brought the removal of the British Union from our flag. Shortly after came the stars on a blue field. By June 14, 1777 the Flag Resolution was passed, which is now known as Flag Day. Which basically said that the United States flag had to have thirteen stripes being red and white; that the union have 13 stars that are white with a blue field. Then, came Francis Hopkinsons design of the United States Flag.†¦show more content†¦They thought that the stars were taken from the sky, the red was influenced from the British colors, and the white demonstrated withdrawing from the home country. As for the book â€Å"Our Flag†the white means pu rity and innocence, red means hardiness and valour, and blue means vigilance, perseverance, and justice. The design of the flag however does have a meaning. The stars symbolize the heavens. Having fifty of the stars, represents the fifty states of the United States today. The stripes symbolize the rays of sunlight radiating from the sun. Having thirteen of the stripes, represents the thirteen colonies that proclaimed independence for Great Britain to form the United States. However, the United States has had many different designs of the flag. With more states being added, it would be difficult to not create new flag designs. In the year 1795 Vermont and Kentucky were added, which caused the stars and stripes to raise to 15 instead of 13. In the years 1796 through 1817 the states Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi joined the United States. Then the Act of April 4, 1818 called for 13 stripes and a star for each state. December in the year 1818 Illinois joined, which added another star to the flag. In 1819 and 1820 two states were added, adding two more stars. In August 1821 Missouri joined, adding another star. In the year 1836 Arkansas joined. In 1837 Michigan joined. In 1845 Florida and Texas joined. InShow MoreRelatedThe Flag Of The United States903 Words  | 4 PagesThe flag of the United States is our national symbol and our most important symbol of all; it symbolizes our nation’s strength and pride. Due to its high values and symbolism, by 1932, forty-eight states had adopted the flag desecration laws to legally protect and restrict desecration of the flag of the United States. However, these flag desecration laws only lasted until 1989, because in 1989, in the Texas v Johnson case, the United States Supreme Court recognized that flag desecration as a formRead MoreDesecration Of The United States Flag1821 Words  | 8 Pagesdisrespect the flag, than to allow the government to repress our birth rights by banning desecration of the flag. Deemed offensive by many citizens, and a form of symbolic speech by others, the constitutionality of flag desecration has been in question since the late 1800s. Desecration of the United States flag is constitutional, as a form of symbolic speech and protected under the First Amendment, even though many citizens do find it offensive. The flag has been a symbol for the United States for decadesRead MoreBurning The United States Flag1014 Words  | 5 PagesBurning the United States Flag Through the years of America, there have been multiple accounts of flag desecration. Flag desecration is a term that is used to describe a various set of acts that intentionally destroy, damage, or mutilate a flag in public, and in this case, the American flag. Citizen’s typically doing this treasonous act when they want to make a political point against their country or policies in the country or another country. Some of these actions include: burning it, urinatingRead MoreThe Flag Resolution Act Of The United States1623 Words  | 7 Pages14, 1787, The Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution Act that states: That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.†(Cite) Flag Day is observed on every June 14 for the sacred symbol of the United States of America of what is the Flag. As each star increased on the flag, turmoil on how the flag should or should not be treated also grew. Many americansRead MoreIs The Flag Of The United States Of America Considered Patriotic?1135 Words  | 5 PagesCould disrespecting the flag of the United States of America considered patriotic? It all depends on the scenario. In the article â€Å"Patriotism†by Igor Primoratz, he mentions the philosophical study conducted by Stephen Nathanson, who states patriotism is defined as â€Å"Special affection for one’s country†, â€Å"Special concern for the well-being of the country†, and â€Å"Willingness to sacrifice to promote the country’s good.†These properties can be seen through a number of different scenarios–including protestsRead MoreTo Pledge or Not to Pledge---Is That the Question? Essay580 Words  | 3 Pagescontend it is important to clarify the blurred lines the Pledge of Allegiance presents. Is the pledge just one of many segments of the stem of patriotism, or is it really a public prayer? According to James A. Moss, an authority on the American flag and its history on the website,, the Pledge of Allegiance was first given national publicity through the official program of the National Public School Celebration of Columbus Day in October 1892 (Moss 2006). Ironically,Read More Calvary Crossing A Ford Essay516 Words  | 3 Pageselements such as the speaker’s tone and Whitman’s presentation of detail bring to light a deeper revelation; the Yankees are coming home. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The speaker’s diction is not only sensory but also aesthetically so. He speaks of flags that, â€Å"flutter gayly in the wind,†and rivers of a â€Å"silvery†hew. The speaker’s personal image of the horseman is one of admiration as he sees, â€Å"each group, each person a picture.†With the inclusion of onomatopoeia’s such as the â€Å"musical clank†ofRead MoreThe American Flag Essay1176 Words  | 5 Pagesthe American flag, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Is it a war? A relative? A political leader? What? For me, I usually think of the Star Spangled Banner. I grew up on a military base in Germany. If the flag were being raised or lowered, you would see soldiers, and even civilians, standing at attention, saluting the flag. In a parade, as the flag was being carried in front by one of the brigades, everyone held his or her hand over his or her heart as the flag passed thatRead Mor e Legendary Betsy Ross and the American Flag Essay1148 Words  | 5 PagesLegendary Betsy Ross and the American Flag The American flag has long been a symbol of our country, but there have been certain doubts about its origin. No one really knows who sewed the American flag. The legend of Betsy Ross has been told many times, but some people look upon it as a myth, saying Betsy Ross never even existed. Betsy Ross was indeed a real person who lived in the 1700s, but no one can prove she actually sewed the American Flag. Betsy Ross did not have an extremely interestingRead MoreSpeech On Appropriate Behavior And Actions For Social Change Essay1403 Words  | 6 Pages(O’Connell 111) He used his platform to speak about what he and others around him feel and that is very similar to what Colin Kaepernick is doing when he refuses to stand in honor of The National Anthem. ‘I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color, Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
International Marketing Free Essays
Manner has been a great opportunity for foreign investors who want to invest in Manner due to its availability of resources. Availability of clean water has been one of the sector where it has been neglected over the years where people have been facing huge difficulties in getting clean water especially in dry seasons. This report is analyses the political and legal, economic and financial and social and cultural market of Manner to see the opportunities Manner holds for foreign markets to enter in their market. We will write a custom essay sample on International Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Manner faces a political reform in 2011 which has brought an end to the military overspent that exist in Manner for more than 50 years. The new President of Manner, Then Seine has promised to start working for the development of the country and maintain the peace between the multi-ethnic state. Although with challenges within the infrastructure of the country, Manner presents a long run opportunity for investors. Manner has improved economically over the past few years and according to Asian Development Bank (ADS), it is expected for Manner to have a growth of 7 to 8 per cent a year. While religion has a huge influence on Manner and its culture there have been conflicts between the multicultural and lit-religious states with different ethnicities. However the government has started their work to attain a more peaceful environment where the rights of the people are protected and everyone is treated equally. Manner has been moving towards a more democratic direction and to a more open economy. Even though their reforms are in emerging status, the country has gone through a transformation in both political and strategic direction. For a company such as Kent, it would hold a great number of opportunities to enter into an emerging market such as Manner. Introduction This report is to analyses the market of Manner whether it has a potential environment for Kent Reverse Osmosis Limited to market their product – Kent Water Purifiers. Manner Manner or Burma is a largely rural country with principal source of Jade, pearls, rubies and sapphires. While Manner is also blessed with highly fertile soil, offshore oil and gas deposits it is not used most efficiently (BBC, 2013). For nearly two decades, Manner faced human rights violations as a country beset by systematic denial of basic freedom of assembly, association and expression and where media pet stifled while the citizens suffered brutal and a long civil war which incarcerated thousands of political prisoners (Matheson, 2013). Manner still faced challenges which are the effects of 50 years of ruinous military rule. However since the political and economic reform in 2011, it has improved this condition. The economy of Manner stands as a least developed countries and they are going through years of unproductively, mismanagement, and remoteness (BBC, 2013). Manner has faced problems with underdeveloped infrastructure for years and basic needs such as water have been neglected over the years. Kent Reverse Osmosis (OR) Limited (Kent) Kent Reverse Osmosis (OR) Limited was established in 1999 in Oneida, India bringing out the revolution of Reverse Osmosis technology to India. In their 1 5 years of operations in India, Kent established the business as a market leader in India by providing innovative products ranging from Water Purifiers, Air Purifies, Vegetable and Fruit Purifiers to Water Softeners. Leading their innovation, Kent is also ISO 9001 :2008 certified and a strong or organization with offices across India and most importantly, millions of satisfied customers to its credit worldwide today (Kent, 2014). According to the founder and chairman of Kent OR Systems, Mr.. Mashes Guppy, Kent has been growing 40 to 50 per cent every year and the company has multiplied 10 times over since 2006 (Sings, 2011). This brisk pace is instantly evident because in April 2011, 23000 Kent units were sold across their portfolio of nearly 25 products, which also now includes their other innovations leaving their monthly sales 30000- mark resolutely behind (Sings, 2011). Political, Legal and Technological Environment The political and legal risks challenged in foreign markets are significant to a large extent when entering into a market because these risks are a major aspect in determining whether to enter the market as the political and legal factors differ vastly between different countries (Fletcher Crawford , 2014). The Manner’s political condition changed surprisingly in 2011, when the Senior General Than She, resigned and handed over power to a civilian government under the leadership of the newly elected President Then Seine (Bunted, 2014). Although President Then was a member of the ruling military council he introduced a lot of political reforms in Manner which included release of many political prisoners and the expansion of he civil rights and liberties in Manner. Moreover, he also launched a new peace initiative and promised political dialogue to the ethnic groups of the multi-ethnic state (Bunted, 2014). It is believed that the party National League for Democracy (NIL) has good chances of winning in free and fair elections in Manner at the end of 201 5 which seeks to bring peace and reconciliation, deepen the rule of law and initiate constitutional reforms in Manner. In 2012, President Then approved the New Law on Foreign Investment (NULL) and repealed the Foreign Investment Law in Manner. According to the NULL, it clarifies that the foreign investors may own up to 100% of the capital in foreign-invested companies in certain sectors (Loves, 2013). Moreover, the NULL also provides that enterprises may be granted a 50% tax relief on goods. While it also permits foreign invested companies operating in sectors that require skilled personal to employ up to 75% foreign employees in its first two years of operations. Even though the state of Manner’s infrastructure poses challenges for those wishing to establish their operations for a business with an eye on the long-run, Manner presents an extraordinary Asian opportunity for a company such as Kent. Manner is moving towards a more peaceful environment with more open opportunities for such investors especially since Manner has been facing shortages of clean water. In order to carry out research and development work for the development of nation’s industries Manner also established Ministry of Science and Technology in 1996. Departments and Institutions such as Science and Technology Research were transferred under the Ministry to promote the effectiveness and success in the development of science and technology in Manner. Economic and Financial Environment The global economic and financial environment is unpredictable, as the events since the global financial crisis of 2008 have shown (Fletcher Crawford , 2014). Manner with an estimated population of 55,746,253 for July 2014 have population growth rate of 1. 03% where with a large proportion of young and a smaller proportion of the elderly as shown in Appendix A. Manner still remains as a poor country and the GAP per capita remains at only around SIS$850 a head as the poorest country in SEAN (Mint, 2013). However, Manner has improved their GAP per since the last few years as shown in Appendix B. In addition, Asian Development Bank (ADS) estimates that Manner can grow 7 to 8 percent over the next years (Asian Development Bank, 2013). As for Manner’s IN per capita according to Purchasing Power Parity (APP), was SIS$1950 latest in 2010 according to the World Bank. IN per capita in Manner has also increased to a significant level in the past years, as shown in Appendix C which shows improvement of income of residents of Manner. Inflation in Manner was recorded 5. 53% in December 2013 which has improved over the years from as high as 49. 7% in 2003 which can be seen in Appendix D. Manner government also have started many public work programs after the economic liberalizing such as roads, bridges, ports, communication, commercial and resident real-estates which has been impeding the economic growth (Manner Infrastructure Summit 2014, 2014). It is potentially the next emerging hotshot in Asia that could open for a variety of sectors due to its riches in oil, gas, timber and gems. The improvement in Manner’s economy is a positive sign for a company like Kent to establish a market since with the improvements in economy; it also increases the purchasing power of consumers leading to an overall increase in the standard of living in Manner. Moreover, Manner enters rankings global competitiveness ranking at 13th among 148 economies after the 2011 elections that brought profound changed to the country. The Manner government has embarked on an ambitious process of reforms to improve the country economic landscape and prospects, notably by leveraging Manner’s extraordinary assets, which include an abundance of natural resources, very favorable demographics, and a strategic location in Asia. Cultural and Social Environment Culture can be described as a way of living that is accepted by a group of people, and he culture differ each other on various cultural dimensions (Fletcher Crawford , 2014). Buddhism is a very important part of Manner’s culture and it reflects the private and public life of the citizens. People spend time learning their religion such as monastic education the monks and nuns hold a respected place in the society such as they should not be touched and they hold privileges such as the freedom of first class travel on public transport or even at times their own reserved places. Manner is a multicultural, multi-religious state which is officially composed to 135 pub-groups in eight major ethnicities as shown in Table 1. With the eight ethnicities, a high degree of Ethan-religious tension continuous to exist in Manner where there have been a marked escalation of friction between Buddhists and Muslims (Chalk, 2013). The most severe situation remains between the coastal state of Racking, where two consecutive attacks were made against Rehiring (a Muslim ethnic group) in 2012. The issue of anti-Muslim violence has was brought up during the President Theme’s historic visit to the White House in May 2013, when President Obama made it Lear that attacks against the Rainy had to stop. Moreover, the government is in pressure to commit to political reform and provide equal protection of civil and human rights to the entire population of Manner. With the government insistent and the pressures to end the conflicts between the ethnic groups it is held that Manner would work to attain a more peaceful environment where the rights of people are protected and treated equally. Conclusion After decades of repressive rule and self-imposed isolation, Manner has recently begun improving political, economic and social challenges that they are facing (Chalk, 013). Since 2011, Manner has moved to a more democratic direction and to a more open economy. Although these changes still are in their emerging steps, the country has embarked on a transformation in both political and strategic track. The government has started its work towards the country growth specially by focusing the poverty and rural underdeveloped areas. Moreover towards securing Manner’s overall ethnic peace process as well. It is believed that through such initiatives it will provide more favorable business climate for attracting outside investors, Jobs and infrastructure to Manner’s future. Therefore, it can be concluded that opportunities exist for a company such as Kent to enter into the Manner market. How to cite International Marketing, Papers International Marketing Free Essays In addition, the celebrations. Com we Bessie informs that there now exists a huge gap between the rich and the poor in BRB jail, which would lessen when poor people have access to education and the opportunity to develop reading skills. In a recent article dated October 1 , 2013, the www. We will write a custom essay sample on International Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now Goalposts. Com website reports that Brazil now experiences disappointing economic growth. Despite President Dilemma Recourses efforts to revive the economy with stimulus packages and TA x cuts, the GAP grew only 0. 6 percent and both stock market and currency rates plume Ted. Other economic problems in Brazil include: â€Å"high salary costs, falling productivity, an d terrible 2 logistical bottlenecks that Rousseau has not yet addressed†( l). In addition, Humblers Barbara, president of BEANIE, a lobby group for the elect Nils industry, predicts that unless infrastructure resolves its problems, industry will I continue to suffer ( 1 The website also informs that household consumption grew just 0. 1 percent due to inflation which adversely affected the purchasing power of consumers. In order to combat the problem of high inflation Brazil has increase seed interest rates. Brazier’s business leaders have also encore raged Rousseau to reform tax a ND labor costs â€Å"so factories can regain their competitiveness at home and abroad†( 2). Although Brazil now experiences these problems, the article states that Brazier’s economy still flourishes in some areas. These areas include: low unemployment, strong foreign investment levels, Recourses approval rate of 80 percent, and a strong harvest and increased agricultural activity. In addition, Guide Ma enter (Brazier’s Finance Minister) asserts that the investment growth trend will contain u. The article concludes with David Reese’ (an economist for Capital Economics in Loon don) suggestion that Brazil should rebalanced the economy towards investment in 0 order to create growth rates of five percent, which investors want to see ( 3). A recent article in The Economist titled ‘ ‘The Price is Wrong,†and dated September 28, 2013 reports that â€Å"Brazil offers appalling value for money†( www. Economist. Com 1). The article states that a pizza in Brazil costs 530 and also that a cheap, windowless hotel room in ROI costs $250/ night. The article also reports that 3 payroll taxes are 58% Of salary, that a Broadminded car costs 45% less in Mix than in Brazil, that a smartened costs 50% more than in the US, and that large domestic appliances and cars cost 50% more than in other Mendocino coo entries. The article presents the following reasons why these problems exist in Brazil: or infrastructure, high crime rates that necessitate an army of 650,000 security g awards, expensive office rents, expensive credit, decreased household consumption, a decreased exports of manufacturing goods. The article explains that the Brazil liana people go on foreign shopping sprees in order to make more economical purr chases and to avoid the â€Å"Custom Brazil†which â€Å"refers to the increased operational costs ass associated with doing business in Brazil, making Brazilian goods and services more expel noise compared to other countries†( www. Economist Another recent article in , titled â€Å"Stuck in the Mud,†and dated June 8, 201 3 describes the current economic growth of Brazil as feeble limited. The article informs that Brazil now experiences a trade deficit, a shrink king primary fiscal surplus, and growing government debt mainly due to domestic rigidities. The article also discusses Dilemma Recourses efforts to â€Å"stimulate growth by hike Eng public spending and the minimum wage, and forcing starters banks to lend more†( 2). Again, despite these efforts, consumer confidence continues to suffer, which greatly impairs economic growth. The government (the Centre al Bank) has responded by increasing base interest rates to 8% in addition to eliminate g a tax on foreign purchases of bonds in order to increase currency inflows and to â€Å"slow the weakening Of the real†( 2). The government has also attempted to 4 solve these problems by encouraging investment and discouraging consumption Ion. However, these efforts proved unsuccessful for the steamrollered oil giant p terrors, for the grandmotherly industry, and for the electricity and banking industry sees. Other attempts to correct the dismal situation include: investments in the oil industry Y, the government’s attempts to attract bidders to its road and rail concessions, and stimulating sales to increase business confidence. However, the challenging a ND diverse political landscape in Brazil, as well as Recourses inability to be diploma attic, will most likely cause further corrective actions to be unsuccessful. Http://Brasilia. Com/economy/ http://www. interdependence. Com/Brazil/economy. HTML http://www. celebrations. Com/bristlecone. HTML http://www. Goalposts. Mom/dispatch/news/thunderstorms/131001 / barometrically http://www. Economist. Com/news/ species Loretta/21 586678whybrazi I paraprofessional’s Americas/21579048feeblegrowthhasforcedchange c b. Demographics As of July 2012, Brazil had a population of 199,321,413 people, with the majors y being in the 2554 age range. The majority of their population (87%) resides in urban areas. The largest city in Brazil is SA A Paulo with about 20 million residents. Ri o De Jeanine, where the 2016 Summer Olympics will be held, is the second largest c tit with about 12 million residents. In terms of diversity, over half of Brazier’s residents are Caucasian and the sec 5 largest group is mulatto (mixed), making up almost 40% of the total population n. The official and most widely spoken language is Portuguese. The largest religious group IS Roman Catholic, with almost thirds of the demographic. A vast majority of Brazilian are literate with 89% of the population fifteen years old and over be inning able to read and write. ( http://www. Undermine. Com/Brazil/demographics_profile. HTML ) c. Cultural information Sports are very popular and important in Brazil. Most citizens regularly follow participate in various sport activities. The most popular sport in Brazil is foot all (American soccer). It is said that football â€Å"†¦ Is in the blood of the people of Bra Brazier’s tropical climate is excellent for playing and practicing football. Brazil is also the only country to have participated in and qualified for all of the Football World Cups to date. The Brazilian soccer team is known all over the world for their brilliant Pl areas. Everyone in Brazil, from small villages to large cities, is known to go crazy for t heir country during the World Cup. Brazilian are known for the pride they feel for their country during sporting events. Brazil holds the most wins for the World Cup with five wins, known to Brazilian as the â€Å"Pentane†. The most dollied Brazilian soccer Pl areas are Cafe, Aid, Ronald, and Reinhold. Sports such as sailing and golf are considered to be for the high class and are not accessible to the general public. Brazilian also enjoy footloose, basketball l, tennis, auto racing, and volleyball ( http://www. Mayflowers. Com/Brazil/sports/ Women’s football has gathered an increasing share of interest in Brazil. The country’s SST ring of successes in volleyball since the midnight century have made it Brazier’s second most 6 popular sport. Municipal governments often provide volleyball courts and 10th recreational equipment for the country’s beaches, including ROI De Jeaneries FAA moss Copernican and Panama. Brazier’s beaches are gathering places for young pee people, the more athletic of which play football and various racket games. Brazilian chasm pincushion of beach football and volleyball draw thousands of spectators and television. Brazil has competed in every Olympic Games since 1920, except the 1 928 Summer Games in Amsterdam. It has been successful in many events, include Eng transfixed, swimming, yachting, and such team sports as football, volleyball l, and basketball. In 2009 the International Olympic Committee selected ROI De Jeanie or as the site of the 201 6 Summer Games. It was the first city in South America to be chi seen to host the Olympics. Http://www. Britannica. Com/Checked/topic/781 01 ‘Brazil/25115/ Superconductivity II. Background on Underarm (Mary Kate) under Armor, a relatively new company was established in 1 998 by a former University of Maryland football player, Kevin Plank, who was sick of repeatedly changing his sweat soaked Theists during football camp and took it upon him elf to invent a new type of This that would keep athletes cool, dry and light by rep ailing moisture. Under Armor has come a long way from young Kevin Plank selling Theists along the east coast out of his grandma’s basement-?on November 18, 2005 Under Armor went public and became the first Seabed initial public offering to do blew on the first day in five years. Over the years the company began to expand its pr duct line to providing clothing for different weather temperaments, creating equipment t for various 7 sports fields, as well as developing lines for women and children. They have e expanded from the clothing collegiate sports team and now sponsor numerous professor Anal sports teams and world’s athletes which include Olympian, national champions, etc. They have expanded in a global scale to Europe, China, Canada, Japan, parts of LATA America and are known as a global leader in performance footwear, apparel, accessories. Today, Under Armor has revenues approaching $2 billion dollar s and continues to maintain its mission to â€Å"make all athletes better through passion , design, and the relentless pursuit for innovation by creating exchanging products t hat provide an advantage for athletes. †Under Armor takes its corporate responsibility very seriously. As outlined on its companies website, AU operates under the core values with which the comma NY was established: innovation, inspiration, reliability, and integrity. They only seek to do business with third parties that operate under these values as well. Under Ar ours products are made by thirdly manufacturers: consequently, they hold these e third parties to the high standards in which they hold themselves. AU will not do buy seines with any companies that use any form of forced labor, child labor, or harass .NET/abuse on their employees. The CIA suppliers and subcontractors must provide their employees with a safe and healthy working environment and comply with all laws and re solutions. AU must provide employees with at least legally mandated minimum wage an d benefits. The employees of CIA and its suppliers or subcontractors are not forced to woo ark more Han 48 hours with 12 hours overtime and countries that have no limit on how RSI worked must provide one day Off out Of every seven days Of work. CIA complies with a 8 environmental regulations, rules, and standards as well as making all subsonic reactors and contractors comply with all local, state, federal, national, and international I laws, rules, and regulations in the company of manufacture. The suppliers and sub contractors are regularly monitored by ALGA internal employees and third party contractors . As well as taking corporate responsibility seriously, CIA prides itself on its community involvement. They created CIA Giveback which partners with prior ms that are dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer, environmental sustainability , supporting military and law enforcement, and empowering youth athletes. From a marketing perspective, Under Armor target athletes of all ages as we as fans as they have entered into the collegiate and professional sports appear el market. Internationally, this is an asset to the company as well as having lines of cloths Eng for all ages and genders. AU has unique temperature specific clothing that can cater to the specific temperaments as they expand on a global level. However, it appears as if Under Armor is heavily rooted in its football background in America which el eaves room to question the company’s success on an international level as it tries to break free of its American football image in countries where the sport is nearly nonexistent. How to cite International Marketing, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Life Altering Essay Example For Students
Life Altering Essay He was on the basketball team and I was the statistician. We were two high school students doing our job for the team. He didnt know me, and I didnt know him. Then one day he walked into my Spanish class. I was frightened to death to talk to him, so I wrote him letters and started giving them to him during the passing period. Fortunately, he wasnt as mean as he looked. He started asking me to sit next to him at assemblies. We began talking on the phone; one day he asked me to the basketball banquet. We started dating and weve been together ever since. Up until my senior year, school had not been a priority to me. Doing my homework and studying for test were not important to me. My grades were dropping gradually and I was on my way to failing. But he inspired me to study and try my hardest in school. I was a year behind in school and now Im back on track. Ive put college as my number one priority in life and Im striving to reach my goals. I have worked diligently taking summer classes and night school. To the average person this sounds real high school-teenage girl has crush on boy. But my current goals in life have change since Ive met him. I can honestly say that I would not have come this far in my education if he would not have been there encouraging me.
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