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Victimology Essay Topic Idea
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Neymar Case (F.C. Barcelona) Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Communication - Coursework Example In an email circumstance, long supporting contentions show up as meandering aimlessly to the beneficiary, which prompts loss of intrigue. The essayist utilizes an easygoing tone in portraying his daughter’s response in an official email. Utilization of an easygoing tone in legitimate messages subverts the significance of the email to the beneficiaries. Since the essayist needs the beneficiaries to settle on a strong choice, utilizing the daughter’s response isn't prudent in this type of composing. Sooner or later in the email, the author talks about the daughter’s conclusion on the fundamental subject of the email, which is wrong in email composing. In an enticing email, the beneficiaries care about the assessment of the sender not what others consider the conclusion. The writer’s contentions ought to be on his own considerations and thoughts instead of those of his little girl. The essayist utilizes poor syntax in conveying to the beneficiary. In proficient courses of action, utilization of capable sentence structure draws in the beneficiary to focus on the remainder of the letter. Since the letter is an official report, the language utilized ought to be right and liberated from basic slip-ups, for example, poor prepositional use. The author neglects to value the beneficiary regardless of the way that the essayist is requesting some help. The last places the author in a negative remaining with the beneficiary. Sooner or later in the letter, the essayist expresses that, â€Å"I heard that you made a decent introduction at your neighborhood section in Los Angeles as of late, I think you gave a discussion called ‘Avoiding the seven capital sins in food service’ or something to that effect. Whatever it was I’m certain we might want to hear a comparative presentation†(Guffrey, 2010).The cited articulation is unappreciative and impolite and such explanations aren't right when requesting favors. The essayist additionally neglects to recognize that the beneficiary is causing and endeavors to pull in the beneficiary by proposing the
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Essay Topics For Speech - Choosing Your Essay Topic For Speeches
Essay Topics For Speech - Choosing Your Essay Topic For SpeechesSpeech topic for essays is a decision that will be made after looking through the various essay topics for speech. The purpose of this article is to help you get an idea on how to decide what essay topics to write for your speech.Since you have decided to write an essay, you have already made up your mind on the topics that you are going to write on. You are aware of what are the aspects of your speech. From these points, you can begin your search for the essay topics for speech.The first step is to decide on the topic of your speech. Make sure that you only research the topic on which you want to write an essay topic for speech and do not move on with other topics which may not match your purpose of the speech.You may choose the appropriate topic from the ones that are available in your list but it would help if you read some articles as well. A good option for you is to read an article from a website which is not relat ed to your topic. For example, if you want to write an essay topic for speeches, go to an article site and search for an article on keynote speaker.You may browse the other topics as well from the article sites but choose the one which you think will best suit your speech. Remember that if you want your topic to be unique and if you want to stand out from others, it is better to write an essay topic for speech which is similar to the topics that are available in the marketplace. For example, if you were to talk about a product and then change the name of the product, then that will be completely different from other topics that are available in the market. Hence, it is important to choose the right essay topics for speech which is similar to the ones that are being discussed in the marketplace.You can also use an online search to find essay topics for speech that can be used in speeches. All you need to do is search in Google or Yahoo or another search engine and come up with more t han fifty ideas. You may also consider contacting a speech coach. This is always an option but again, you should keep your speech topic for speeches within reason.It is important to understand that essay topics for speech are very much related to the topic which is being discussed in the marketplace. So if you don't want to look at every single word in the essay topics for speech, make sure that you choose those which are closely related to the topic. It would be better if you decide on the essay topics for speech according to the audience that you are targeting to.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Is Freedom Mere License or Wisdom to Choose What Is Right for Oneself - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 985 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/14 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Freedom is the right to make important decisions for yourself and your family without coercion or fear of retaliation. Freedom is the right to take advantage of the various opportunities out there in the world to better your life. Freedom is the right to express your opinion and fight for what you believe in, as long as you do not bring harm to anyone with an opposing point of view. â€Å"Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains†said Rousseau. This statement of his inspired the romantic poets like Shelley and Keats to glorify individual freedom. It also paved the way for French Revolution and the American War of Independence. Now the question is what actually freedom is? So to understand the true principles of freedom, one must understand the scope of the word. Freedom means capacity to exercise one’s own choice or free will and act upon it. It is nothing but the condition of being free of restraints and the right to unrestricted use or full access to many privileges which one is entitled to. Freedom is the right to make important decisions for yourself and your family without coercion or fear of retaliation. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Is Freedom Mere License or Wisdom to Choose What Is Right for Oneself?" essay for you Create order Freedom is the right to take advantage of the various opportunities out there in the world to better your life. Freedom is the right to express your opinion and fight for what you believe in, as long as you do not bring harm to anyone with an opposing point of view. The true meaning of freedom can be defined as the right given to an individual, when he has the right wisdom, to do what ever he wishes to do but with a care that he does not dominate the wishes and desires of other person. So freedom doesn’t mean that one can do anything he wants to do or have everything he wants to have. Freedom has its own limitations. A G Gardiner’s essay â€Å"On the Rule of the Road†clearly justifies this statement. A fat lady was moving in the middle of the road saying that she has the freedom to go as she likes. The bus driver said he would run his bus over her. This example shows that one’s freedom should not interfere without another freedom. Similarly, a child is free to go to lessons or play because that is his own affair. We cannot dictate him to do anything which he does not wish to do. He is at liberty to decide what to do and what not to do. But at the same time he has no right to blow a trumpet when others want to study or sleep. So freedom does not mean license for the child to interfere with others freedom. In other words, freedom is the ability to make choices, regardless of the consequences, as long as the consequences do not affect anyone around us. The dictum â€Å"Live and Let Live†contains a very sound advice. We must tolerate others, refrain from interfering with others and reconcile ourselves to the ways of living of others. One should not try to impose one’s own ideas and modes upon others. When we believe in freedom we should also believe in the freedom of others. Everyone has the right to decide how he should behave and lead his life. Every individual is different and hence we cannot expect uniformity in the modes of our lives. We should respect the way of life of our others just as we expect them to respect our own way of life. One cannot lay laws about freedom and license. License means excessive freedom or permit and free from restraint. So license is freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices especially in behavior or speech. Freedom over-extended turns into license. When it comes to freedom and license there is no Bible or Encyclopedia to consult any final authority. The boundary of giving freedom and license has to be judged by the individual parent. For instance, though we believe in giving freedom to our children still we curb their freedom at times because never to say no is to bring up a spoiled child who will be incapable of facing the realities of life. Such a kid will grow up to expect the world to provide everything he wants. Freedom and the limitations on freedom are both needed to live peacefully. Freedom is synonym of license which means restrictions. Absolute freedom cannot be achieved because when you take away limitations you take away a freedom. But at the same time, without rules governing our society, people would be able to do what they want to each other with out fear of punishment. It is the fear of punishment which restricts or checks the crime rate and so absolute freedom should not be given to anyone in the interest of the society. So freedom with some restrictions is absolutely essential as freedom coupled with some limitations promotes development of an individual who will be enriched with wisdom. And wisdom is experience, knowledge and common sense together, along with the power of applying them. It is the ability to think and act wisely. Wisdom is not taught in school and it cannot be bought. So a person who has wisdom does not jump to rash conclusions, but makes an educated decision based on the information or intelligence provided. When freedom and wisdom are clubbed together it means freedom of choosing what is right for us. On the whole, it may be said that equating freedom with license is highly absurd. Freedom stands for creativity whereas license spells doom and disaster. Freedom leads to wisdom which stands for moral values of life. In short, freedom does not mean license, but the wisdom to choose what is right for one self which makes him a better responsible citizen. Bibliography: wikipedia. org google yahoo
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 3038 Words
Through the Glass What does it mean to tear apart our past for the sake of a new beginning? The answer is simple, really. It means to look through a new pair of glasses, ones that are not scratched and foggy, in order to see the world clearly. Abandon the wrongs that have plagued society and strive instead for peace and equality. The novel To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, took place during the Civil Rights Movement In the 1930’s. At the time, a lot of racism and prejudice was integrated into life as blacks became segregated from whites. Various stereotypes were formed, such as saying that blacks were dangerous, liars, and perverts, lusting for white women. In addition, they had entirely separate drinking fountains, restrooms,†¦show more content†¦Both Jem and Scout question these narrow mindsets of the people in Maycomb and whether or not it is acceptable to judge people right from the start. Slowly, Jem and Scout choose to adapt to their father, Atticus’s, noble wa ys of thinking to not judge people on rumors and appearances. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, addresses the social inequity by showing the readers that it is important to look past differences in race, reputation, and isolation and look at one another through pure, fair, and understanding eyes; only then can we finally realize what makes us equal to each other in our hearts. We should see each other for who we really are instead of believing rumors and by doing this, create a more fair society to overcome prejudice. During chapter 12 of the story, Scout and Jem go to an African American church for the first time with their maid Calpurnia. Calpurnia lives with the Finch family at home and often acts as an influence for Scout and Jem to be more open-minded as they become more exposed to racism. When they leave the church later that day, Scout asks Calpurnia why she acts so polite around whites but talks in â€Å"her nigger-talk†when she is around other colored people. Calpurnia explains to them that often times, racism inhibits black people from expressing their true emotions: Suppose you and Scout talked
Climate Change and Tourism Futures †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Climate Change and Tourism Futures. Answer: Introduction: Tourism is extremely important for the Australian economy. The reasons for tourists travelling to different parts of the world are varied and include the reasons of leisure, business as well as education. Tourism is a significant contributor to the Australian Economy. The diverse regions and landscapes of Australia provide a variety of options for the people to explore and enjoy at the same time. The unique destinations in Australia include, rainforests, coral reefs as also red deserts. The lifestyle of the people in Australia is extremely peaceful relaxed and basically outdoor. The population size of Australia being relatively smaller compared to other countries, the area being large, the tourist exploration proves blissful and a beautiful experience. Several initiatives have been taken by the tourism department of the country to increase the tourist count of the country. It can easily be said that it is a thriving industry in the Australian country. In the year 2014, the total amount of tourism spending contributed to almost three percent of the GDP of Australia. About one third of this was due to the international visitors. The demand for the international tourism in Australia has grown over the past two decades extremely strongly. The nature of the opportunities in Australia includes sunbathing, surfing as well as beach enjoyments. The regional visitation rates in Australia should increase due to the increasing demands of the international travel visits. It needs to be ensured that rates of tourist visits to Australia increase over the years and the report aims to understand the areas of tourism opportunities as well as study the possible plans that can be implemented to make Australia the favourite tourist destination in the World. Nature of Business: It is to be understood that adopting a specific policy for the improving the tourist activities is crucial for the development of the tourist industry. In this report, the type of the business which is considered is that of a travel agency or travel agent. A travel agency is actually a private retailer or even a public service which gives travel and tourism related services to the people or the international tourists (Day et al., 2012). This is done on behalf of the suppliers such as the airlines, the car rentals, hotels, cruise lines, railways. It also includes the facilities of travel insurance as well as package tours. It is the duty of the travel agent to sell transportation, lodging, as well as admission to entertainment activities to individuals as well as group planning trips. Advice can also be obtained from them on destinations, trip planning and itineraries. The agents also make travel arrangements for the clients. It is the duty of the tourism authorities to train the trav el agents so that they can provide the tourists with complete information in order to get more and more bookings and ultimate increase in the tourist count. The travel agency needs to have appropriate information on all the available hotels and tourist spots along with the modes of reaching the place along with the proper type of bookings that can be done. The information on those places where the tourists can stay is also to be kept in mind. The travel agency is the best sort of idea that should be developed in order to increase the count of the tourists in Australia. It is a sort of agency that is directly related to the tourism industry. Depending on the level of performance of the travel agents in understanding the needs and requirements of the tourists in the Australian Market and developing the marketing plans accordingly, the tourist number will increase or decrease. Type of the business: The type of the business of the travel agency includes the concept of online booking. The online booking facility is the best probable option as this is viable for all customers that is tourists, this is because, the internet connectivity helps the tourists get access to several options that are available for them to choose from (Zeng Gerritsen, 2014). The online booking facility can be made simple and easy to understand for the potential clients (Morrison Pickering, 2013). This can be done by creating a portal for the customers, preferably personalised, which provides all the necessary information to the people in terms of the best hotels according to their budget, the places of visit in a particular area, the tourist spots to be visited, the probable car rental options, the modes of public transport available, the best possible eatery options available to the customers based on their preferences and their requirements and so on. It can be said that the mode of online booking is t he best probable option for the travel agency business (Morrison, 2013). The tourism promotion is an important aspect of the tourism business in any country. Pamphlets illustrating the best areas for tour and travel in different areas can be generated and circulated among the locals, the pamphlets can be sent via mail to the customers interested in visiting a particular country as well but sometimes the pieces of paper are neglected or left and forgotten (Ruhanen Shakeela, 2013). Hence the best sort of promotion is online. Beautiful and expressive pictures need to be uploaded to the sites of the travel agencies, so that they are easily available to the prospective clients. The benefits provided by the hotels, restaurants and also the car rental companies also need to be mentioned in the websites (Parsons Schumacher, 2012). Selected cohort of tourists: The probable group of the tourists that can be selected include the baby boomers, who seek tourism as an option to spend their leisure. It can also include the young people or the newly married couples. The best possible cohort is the newly married couples who look for possible honeymoon destinations in different parts of the world. Being young, the couples look for varieties of activities during the day as well as ample scope for leisure. The best possible amalgamation of travel, rest as well as adventure activities by the beach are available in Australia for the young couples. Special honeymoon plans need to be incorporated as a part of the hotel and restaurant facilities in the country. The best offers and deals need to be highlighted during the wedding season. The honeymoon suites need to be updated with all the necessary facilities as well as the inclusion of privacy for the couples. The focus should be given to the lucrative offers and deals so as to reduce the probability of t he couples choosing any other country as their honeymoon destination (Ruhanen, Mclennan Moyle, 2013). Funding is one of the primary criteria for the booking of any major foreign trip. It needs to be ensured that the trips and the tour options on offer or the specific honeymoon deals are reasonable enough for the tourists to pay for them and arrange for proper funding. It should be kept in mind that if the tourist deals are not reasonable enough, the potential clients might be lost. It is generally seen that the tourist couples usually plan extensive as well as expensive honeymoon trips (Zeppel Beaumont, 2012). It can be said that, the people who plan honeymoon trips usually have proper funding. Funding is not an issue usually faced in case of the cohort of young couple tourists. It can be said that the funding is not a problem in this particular situation. The increased number of bookings will be possible in case of lucrative deals, better presentation and better offers. Criteria for business venture: The interest in the tourism opportunities provided will lead to more bookings which can lead to increased number of opportunities and also the bookings for trips in different parts of Australia. The areas which provide the best of scenic beauty and opportunities for outdoor activities should be highlighted in the online portals and the advertisements posted by the agency to increase the amount of viewership and also the tourist count. The business probabilities need to be increased so that the tourists find interest and book the trips as much as possible (Medlik, 2012). There are possible options or ventures that meet the possible criteria. The economic criteria need to be kept in mind while understanding the ventures. Probable options may be low cost trips in those parts of Australia which are relatively unexplored and are comparatively lesser known (Moyle et al., 2014). Other options include the trips in case of the university students in the domestic areas which are relatively low cost and are possible to be reported to the others such that the trips can be increased and can contribute to more business generation and increased income of the tourism industry (Peters Higgins-Desbiolles, 2012). The issues regarding the target of the tourism industry need to be identified. The ventures should be such that they should lead to more and more trip bookings. These ventures help the increase the total returns from tourism and the overall development from the sector of tourism. The contribution of the tourism industry to the Australian Economy is huge. The contribution in order to be maintained the impediments to the business needs to be taken care of. The proper streamline of the airline services, the uninterrupted running of the portal as also the services at the hotels and the restaurants need to be taken care of. The tourism industry needs to be upgraded and improved. Evaluation of the barriers to the tourism related infrastructure: The approval processes and the development of the assessment are crucial to create an environment which is suitable for the investments related to a tourism related infrastructure. The sufficient and the flexible considerations are necessary in order to ensure the overall growth of the process (Pham et al., 2012). From this particular graph it is evident that the majority of the tourists belong to the United States, New Zealand and United Kingdom. So these particular segments can be targeted. It also needs to be understood that the segments need to be evaluated. From the graphs it can be understood that the contribution of the tourism industry to the revenues in Australia is considerable. In order to ensure the increase in the advent of tourists from every segment of the countries of the world, the tourism strategies need to be implemented properly by the tourism industry. The future prospects for the tourism industry include Tourism 2020 as also land use and the aviation planning. It also needs to be understood that the future policies will prove to be successful on the basis of proper planning and study of the trends in the past years (South Australian Tourism Commission, 2014). Expected tourists Demand decrease Demand increase Annual fixed costs 2018 660 585 160000 2019 720 700 2020 652 650 2021 700 800 2022 682 982 Conclusion: Based on all the reports which have been found, on all the studies and statistics available it can be said that the tourism industry is a promising sector for the growth of the business industry in the country. The business of the travel agency is extremely good for the overall advancement of the country in the economic sense. It needs to be understood that the strategies and policies adopted and the possible interventions that can be arranged for the tourists contribute to the overall growth of the industry. The target clients and their consideration is also a significant issue, Understanding the person specific demands based on the developments of the people and their preferences is important. As long as the needs of the market are understood and the needs of the tourists met, the tourism industry is bound to thrive and it will contribute to the overall advancement of the country. Thus from this particular report it can be concluded that the tourism industry is ever evolving and the changing needs require to be met in order to adjust with the times as also the changing requirements. The task has been done on the business venture for the Australian tourism industry. As per the study, the venture business creation leads to certain innovative and leadership skills that help in building the model while weighing the pros and cons. Also, as these skills are enhanced, there are issues that are faced in the group like coordination, comprehension and applicability. Due to the assignment, my analytical as well as reasoning skills have been developed. The group members have also helped in analysing the time allocation for the division of work and further conflicts that were generally due to the idea presented in the group. My knowledge as per various dimension have widened and helped me gain an insight in practical applicability of the situation. On the contrary, the impact of tourism industry due to business venture helped in understanding of various factors like insurance, bookings, as well as promotions that holds the key role in further enabling the cohort method in travel and tourism. It further emphasized in identifying the types of business that would be particularly applicable. Australian tourism is a roaring business that when analysed properly, a successful business can be set up targeting proper audience. On the whole, past trends in the scenario have helped us in gathering and presenting all aspects of business right from bookings to accommodation and further. The project is extremely informative and a learning experience. It helps understand the importance of planning before any assignment. I have gained an insight into how actually the tourism industry works. It helped me understand the importance of keeping a cool head and decide on my possibilities one at a time. The responsibility of a manager and the importance of his decisions on the industry became clear to me. The method of analysing any particular situation and deciding upon the existing factors in the said industry of tourism was brought to the fore. It also helped me become more knowledgeable about the interest of the tourists from different countries to come to Australia. It helped me understanding the uses of marketing. It showed me how I could cater to the needs of the people of different countries in order to increase the overall tourist count in Australia. Understanding the importance of deciding on a particular cohort in order to link the aspects of the industry was inherent in case of my decisions. The interests of people and their changing methodology of thinking and their corresponding choices helped me to devise deals and orders to appeal to them. All in all it was also a learning experience in the concepts of psychology as well. I understood that proper knowledge of human psychology and their preferences is a guiding factor while taking major business decisions. Thus this project helped me gain a complete insight about the planning process in any industry. The report has helped gain valuable insight about the existent tourism industry in Australia. The different aspects of the industry and their utility in increasing the overall tourist count of the country has become extremely clear throughout the course of the report. The selections of different categories of the business have been helpful in understanding the importance of the decisions. At the beginning, the selection of the nature of business from the several probable options was extremely crucial for me. Based on the provided knowledge as also the existent state of the tourism industry, choosing one nature of business among all possible options was a key factor in influencing the inflow of tourists in the country. Analysing before hand, how the chosen decision could score over all other decisions involving other options was helpful. The importance of arranging for packaged tours and formulating lucrative offers was also clearly understood by me. The factors analysed in determining the type of business in case of the nature of the business chosen was equally important. It was significant in case of understanding the importance of the nature and business going along together in order to facilitate the tourism business. Going through all the steps of implementation in case of the type of business was also significant. It proved beneficial in sense of providing a suitable way to understand the needs of the people and hence of the business in general. The overall project preparation and compilation helped me understand the market, the people and the needs of the tourists and finally provide a suitable policy to be implemented in order to help the tourism industry prosper. The business report in itself was extremely informative and a complete learning experience for me. It was so because, from the first it was necessary for me to form a complete picture in my head as to how I could formulate the process significantly. The step by step decision making in case of this business report was crucial and at the same time provided proper insight. It was necessary for me to understand the tourist industrys nature at first. It was important to understand the impact my decisions would have on the industry. Choosing a nature of business was not enough. It was to be ensured that it would prove as the best possible option in case of the business industry. Then there was the choice of the type of the business based on the needs of the tourists. It was important to ensure that the problems of connectivity, financial deals as well as the offers were solved. The criterion of funding for the people was also to be kept in mind before deciding on the business type. My decisions also would involve removing the impediments or the barriers to the tourism business. All in all the project was informative, educating and helped me understand the significance of my decisions to implement them for the chosen type of business in the tourism industry. In a sense I could vouch for an increase in the overall tourist count of Australia due to my chosen policies and decisions. References: Day, M., Walo, M., Weeks, P., Dredge, D., Benckendorff, P., Gross, M. J., Whitelaw, P. A. (2012). Analysis of Australian tourism, hospitality and events undergraduate education programs.Sydney: Office of Teaching and Learning. The value of WIL in tourism,257. Medlik, S. (2012).Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality. Routledge. Morrison, A. M. (2013).Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge. Morrison, C., Pickering, C. M. (2013). Perceptions of climate change impacts, adaptation and limits to adaption in the Australian Alps: the ski-tourism industry and key stakeholders.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,21(2), 173-191. Moyle, B. D., McLennan, C. L. J., Ruhanen, L., Weiler, B. (2014). Tracking the concept of sustainability in Australian tourism policy and planning documents.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,22(7), 1037-1051.Neirotti, L. D. (2012). and Adventure Tourism.Sport and adventure tourism, 1. Parsons, A. G., Schumacher, C. (2012). Advertising regulation and market drivers.European Journal of Marketing,46(11/12), 1539-1558. Peters, A., Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2012). De-marginalising tourism research: Indigenous Australians as tourists.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,19(1), 76-84. Pham, T. D., Bailey, G., Marshall, J., Spurr, R., Dwyer, L. (2013).The economic impact of the current mining boom on the Australian tourism industry. Canberra: Tourism Research Australia. Ruhanen, L. M., Mclennan, C. L. J., Moyle, B. D. (2013). Strategic issues in the Australian tourism industry: A 10-year analysis of national strategies and plans.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(3), 220-240. Ruhanen, L., Shakeela, A. (2013). Responding to climate change: Australian tourism industry perspectives on current challenges and future directions.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(1-2), 35-51. South Australian Tourism Commission. (2014).South Australian Tourism Plan 2020. South Australian Tourism Commission. Zeng, B., Gerritsen, R. (2014). What do we know about social media in tourism? A review.Tourism Management Perspectives,10, 27-36. Zeppel, H., Beaumont, N. (2012). Climate change and tourism futures: Responses by Australian tourism agencies.Tourism and Hospitality Research,12(2), 73-88.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator Essay Example
Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator Essay Download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) Download and unzip Eclipse IDE go to http://www. eclipse. org/downloads/. Download either Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Download and unzip Android SDK go to http://developer. android. com/index. html Select SDK tab, download SDK of your platform. Install ADT plug-in into Eclipse IDE 3. 4. Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications. ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, create an application UI, add components based on the Android Framework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) APKs in order to distribute your application. Developing in Eclipse with ADT is highly recommended and is the fastest way to get started. With the guided project setup it provides, as well as tools integration, custom XML editors, and debug output pane, ADT gives you an incredible boost in developing Android applications. . 1 Start Eclipse IDE. You might see Workspace Launcher/Select a workspace dialog box as shown below. For the Workspace field, either take the given directory or choose a different directory. The Workspace is the directory where Eclipse maintains its projects. Click OK. 4. 2 Add a Repository location (of the Android development tools) to the Eclipse IDE. A Repository is a where software is being maintained. For Na me field, enter Android Plugin (or whatever name of your choice). For the Location field, enter https://dl-ssl. oogle. com/android/eclipse/. Note: If you have trouble acquiring the plug-in, you can try using http in the URL, instead of https (https is preferred for security reasons). 4. 3 Download and install Android development tools (ADT plug-in) to Eclipse IDE. 5. Configure ADT plug-in with the location of Android SDK Once youve successfully downloaded ADT as described above, the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the Android SDK directory: 5. 1 select Windows-gt;Preferences If the location of the Android SDK is not already set, browse to that location and click OK. 6. Install additional Android SDK components platform, add-ons, doc and samples 6. 1 (This is an optional step) Check the android-sdk- directory and observe that it has empty add-ons, empty platforms, and tools directories but it currently does not have docs and samples directories. Vi a Android SDK and AVD Manager, you can update your Android SDK. 6. 2 Run Android SDK and AVD Manager. 6. 3 Download and install available packages. We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The available packages include Documentations, Platforms, Samples, etc. You can selectively choose them. Notice that the packages list may vary from system to system. Install them all. Accept the licenses. Restart ADB. 7. Create Android Virtual Device (AVD) In this step, you are going to create a virtual device which will give options to the emulator to model an actual device. 7. 1 Select Windows-gt;Android SDK and AVD Manager. 7. 2 Click New in the Virtual Devices frame of the Android SDK and AVD Manager The options below are the minimal options to give so that the emulator works correctly. You may further refine them. Enter my_avd_2. 2 (or whatever name you want) as Name for the new device Choose Android 2. 2-update1-API Level 8 for the target. It is the system which will run on the emulator. Optionally enter a minimal size for the SD card – 128 Click on Create AVD The new virtual device has been created. 8. Configure the JRE to use in Eclipse Select Eclipse-gt;Preferences Click on Installed JRES inside Java Check JVM 1. 6. 0 Click OK Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator Essay Example Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator Essay Download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) Download and unzip Eclipse IDE go to http://www. eclipse. org/downloads/. Download either Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Download and unzip Android SDK go to http://developer. android. com/index. html Select SDK tab, download SDK of your platform. Install ADT plug-in into Eclipse IDE 3. 4. Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications. ADT extends the capabilities of Eclipse to let you quickly set up new Android projects, create an application UI, add components based on the Android Framework API, debug your applications using the Android SDK tools, and even export signed (or unsigned) APKs in order to distribute your application. Developing in Eclipse with ADT is highly recommended and is the fastest way to get started. With the guided project setup it provides, as well as tools integration, custom XML editors, and debug output pane, ADT gives you an incredible boost in developing Android applications. . 1 Start Eclipse IDE. You might see Workspace Launcher/Select a workspace dialog box as shown below. For the Workspace field, either take the given directory or choose a different directory. The Workspace is the directory where Eclipse maintains its projects. Click OK. 4. 2 Add a Repository location (of the Android development tools) to the Eclipse IDE. A Repository is a where software is being maintained. For Na me field, enter Android Plugin (or whatever name of your choice). For the Location field, enter https://dl-ssl. oogle. com/android/eclipse/. Note: If you have trouble acquiring the plug-in, you can try using http in the URL, instead of https (https is preferred for security reasons). 4. 3 Download and install Android development tools (ADT plug-in) to Eclipse IDE. 5. Configure ADT plug-in with the location of Android SDK Once youve successfully downloaded ADT as described above, the next step is to modify your ADT preferences in Eclipse to point to the Android SDK directory: 5. 1 select Windows-gt;Preferences If the location of the Android SDK is not already set, browse to that location and click OK. 6. Install additional Android SDK components platform, add-ons, doc and samples 6. 1 (This is an optional step) Check the android-sdk- directory and observe that it has empty add-ons, empty platforms, and tools directories but it currently does not have docs and samples directories. Vi a Android SDK and AVD Manager, you can update your Android SDK. 6. 2 Run Android SDK and AVD Manager. 6. 3 Download and install available packages. We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Procedures to Install Eclipse and Android Emulator specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The available packages include Documentations, Platforms, Samples, etc. You can selectively choose them. Notice that the packages list may vary from system to system. Install them all. Accept the licenses. Restart ADB. 7. Create Android Virtual Device (AVD) In this step, you are going to create a virtual device which will give options to the emulator to model an actual device. 7. 1 Select Windows-gt;Android SDK and AVD Manager. 7. 2 Click New in the Virtual Devices frame of the Android SDK and AVD Manager The options below are the minimal options to give so that the emulator works correctly. You may further refine them. Enter my_avd_2. 2 (or whatever name you want) as Name for the new device Choose Android 2. 2-update1-API Level 8 for the target. It is the system which will run on the emulator. Optionally enter a minimal size for the SD card – 128 Click on Create AVD The new virtual device has been created. 8. Configure the JRE to use in Eclipse Select Eclipse-gt;Preferences Click on Installed JRES inside Java Check JVM 1. 6. 0 Click OK
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